For the Beauty of the Earth

This, the opening line of one of my favorite hymns, never fails to fill me with awe and gratitude for this magnificent natural world in which we live. How fortunate we are to have our Beverley Hills Garden Club community with whom to garden, to design, and to celebrate our beautiful natural environment.

For the Beauty of the Earth…The acts of our daily lives impact our environment. I look forward to opportunities this club year to learn more about activities that will protect and sustain our plant community and the pollinators and animals it supports. I encourage you each to identify one small simple change you can implement that will support our planet. As the proverb says, “Take small steps every day and one day you will get there.”

For the Beauty of the Earth… We are gardeners and love to get our hands dirty both in our own soil and in the community plantings we support. We revel in the perfection of a particular specimen we have grown and enter it with pride into competition. But examine your garden from the viewpoint of its other biological residents as well. From planting trees and native pollinators to eliminating plants on our dirty dozen invasives list, Beverley Hills Garden Club members can, through small efforts, make our gardens more friendly to all God’s creatures. I look forward to seeing where our efforts take us this year.

For the Beauty of the Earth…Our earth is so generous in its bounty of stunning blooms, fruits, and foliage which we use to glorify nature through floral arrangements. I look forward to learning new techniques and seeing how our members’ creativity blossoms in new and interesting directions.

For the Beauty of the Earth…Most of all, I am thankful that among God’s creatures are the members of Beverley Hills Garden Club. Together, we look forward to a year of goodhearted competition, meaningful study, and wonderful companionship and collegiality.

Most Sincerely,

Candace Beane, President